You will need some additional information for your bank when making payments to a New Zealand bank account. Below are the instructions from ANZ bank here in New Zealand:

Weaver Creative Limited
BNZ Account number: 06-0549-0357939-00
The physical address for Weaver Creative is: 24 Tasman Close, Aotea, Porirua 5024, New Zealand

From ANZ bank (

To receive an overseas payment you should provide the other party with the following details:
• ANZ's full beneficiary bank name: ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited
• ANZ's SWIFT code: ANZBNZ22 (also known as a Bank Identifier Code or BIC)
Note: If the other party requires an 11 digit SWIFT, use ANZBNZ22XXX

If the other party requests an IBAN: IBAN is an account format used by European banks. New Zealand banks do not use this format and an IBAN is not required to send money to an ANZ bank account. Other parties with an IBAN field on their overseas payment form can leave this field blank.

If the other party requests a National Clearing Code, Routing Number, BSB Number or Sort Code: Some banks may ask for a National Clearing Code, Routing Number, BSB Number or Sort Code. If this is required by the bank sending the money they should use the first six digits (bank and branch codes) of your account number for which you wish to receive the payment into. 
e.g. For 01-0123-0123456-00 use 010123.

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